A note from former student Maestro Francesco Lecce-Chong

It’s been a wonderful six years working with you. I can’t tell how much your weekly lessons have meant to me. I don’t know how you do it, but your ability to transfer the joy of music to your students, no matter what their level, is a miracle. Thank you for blessing my life.

A letter from former student Henry Zhang

Over the ten years I have studied with Crystal, my improvement as a pianist has been simply monumental. Her dedication to ensuring perfection of every subtle detail in the context of a cohesive overall performance is astounding. To Crystal, learning and memorizing the notes of a piece of music constitutes only the first most basic step to learning it. Many more details must be woven into my interpretation before she is satisfied. During every lesson, my pedaling an dynamics are scrutinized for any awkward or misadvised characteristics. She encourages me to effectively utilize rubato an other musical nuances to enhance my interpretation, while ensuring that everything flows together. She instructs me to learn pieces not merely to play them, but to perform them as well. Because of her meticulous approach an insistence on efficient practice, I have accumulated an impressive repertoire at a quality befitting a concert performance, for which I am incredibly thankful to Crystal!